It’s the New Year, which means many people start thinking about how they want to improve their lives.
You’ve finished the leftover food in the fridge and put away all that candy and chocolate that filled the stockings. You wonder if you should keep it or start fresh in the new year.
Your schedule will be going back to normal, and the crazy days will be back in full swing. It’s not exactly comforting knowing after the hectic holidays, your vacation will end, and your life will go back to how it was.
Or will it?
I would like to share the top 10 New Year’s Resolutions and how to tackle them.
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1. Start Eating Healthy
One if my biggest downfalls is running around all day and forgetting to pull something out for dinner. Then, 5pm rolls around, the kids are hungry, and dinner is not ready. This always leads to ordering food, cooking something quick, but unhealthy, or eating dinner way too late.
These unhealthy habits are so common for so many families because you must work, and the kids are in sports. There are just not enough hours in the day. Planning meals ahead of time while grocery shopping is a great option to fix this ongoing issue. You could even go as far as to meal prepping freezer meals so that you can just pop the meals in the open or crockpot and all the prep is done.
2. Date Your Spouse
My husband is my best friend. I live to spend time with him and find new and fun activities to do together without the kids. We always say that once the kids are grown and out of the house, we’ll still have each other. That doesn’t mean you have to spend every free moment with your kids. We love our children so much, but it is good to spend time with your spouse.
We try to have a date at least once a month and we’re lucky to have family local to watch the kids for us. Some fun activities we have done is doing a Penguin Meet & Greet, going to the movies, going to dinner, seeing a concert, doing a spa day, and even just going shopping. We try to find fun things to do even during the pandemic.
Check out my post "Date Night Ideas Under $20 During Pandemic," for more fun ideas.
3. Stick to a Spending Budget
Christmas is over and you’re afraid to see how much you spent over the holidays. Did you set a budget for yourself, or did you just keep buying without paying attention? It doesn’t matter what you did last year, it only matters what you do moving forward.
You can find some great apps on your phone to organize bills, or you can just set up a spreadsheet on the computer. No matter what you do, try to stick to these budgets so you can save some money this year and give your wallet a rest.
4. Organize your Living Space
Whether you live in a 3,000sqft or a 900sqft home, you need to keep your belongings and the kid’s spaces and toys organized. I have a love for cube organizers and bins. They help keep items sorted by type and they make clean up so easy.
Check out my post on “4 Steps For Organizing Your Kid's Toys.” I show you some great tips on keeping your sanity with a clean and organized space for your kids, so you don’t have to look at piles and messes all day long.
5. Workout & Be Healthy
I’m not a huge fan of the gym and my favorite work out shirt says, “Slow runners make fast runners look good #yourewelcome.” I’ve been a dancer my whole life, along with cheerleading, gymnastics, and yoga. If you are like me and you dread the gym, there are so many other ways to work out and get healthy.
Working out isn’t only about losing weight, but about keeping your body in shape and keeping yourself young. I may not enjoy going for runs, but I can tap dance for an hour. There are so many gym memberships and weight loss programs on the market right now trying to convince people that those are your only options. While some of those options are great, they are not great for everyone. So, find something you are interested in, like maybe a karate class, a Pilates class, or a home workout video, and make that healthy change with me.

6. Spend Time as a Family
We all must work, go to school, and drive all over for sports and events every week. Sometimes I feel like there is not enough hours in the day to get everything done. You get home, have dinner, put the kids to bed, and start all over again. Make sure to schedule some family time in. Even if you must squeeze it in during the weekend, it is good to spend time with your family away from the TV and your smartphones and tablets.
Go to the local zoo or go sledding at a nearby park. Learn a new skill together like skiing or snowboarding or even go for a hike. My kids are still young so I like to find activities they can participate in and still learn something new. It’s always great to get out of the house to spend time with your family.
7. Do Experiments & Crafts with your Kids
Blippi and Ryan have turned my daughter into a future scientist. She wants to try so many new crafts and activities and I love it so much. We have done the “Sink or Float” experiment, shaving cream rain, tie dyed shirts and scrunchies, baking soda volcanoes, elephant toothpaste, and so many more.
You can search online for tons of fun experiments to do with your kids at home with products you have already. You can also purchase Stem projects to try at home as well. Here are a few different Stem projects you can purchase off if Amazon to try at home.
8. Have More “Me” Time
While I look forward to spending more time with my family and going on more dates with my husband, it’s always a good idea to have some time for yourself as well. You could pamper yourself by getting a massage or a mani/pedi, go out to get drinks with your friends, or just snuggle up with a good book and a blanket in your own space with no interruptions. It’s always a good idea to allow your body and mind time to nurture itself without worrying about making dinner for the family or cleaning the house.
I’m very lucky because I have a husband who splits the household chores with me and takes care of our children 50%, so it is easy for me to take some time for myself. Even if “you” time needs to be scheduled, don’t neglect yourself.
9. Develop a Daily Skincare Routine
I have such dry skin and unfortunately my children have my skin as well. Psoriasis and eczema run in my family and make for cracked skin and dry patches. A daily skincare routine for the whole family would have improve our way of life and reduce the horrible dry patches we deal with. You much must be careful with Children’s skin and don’t use any products on your children without consulting their pediatrician.
My skincare routine is much different from my husband’s and my kid’s. I do not use anything abrasive on my children, and I only use lotions and chap sticks that are approved by our pediatrician. Everyone has different skin so make sure your skincare routine is specialized for you.
10. Drink more water
I think this goes for everyone, but I do not drink enough water. I’ve always heard that once you feel thirst, it means you are already dehydrated. I’m not sure if that’s really true, but I try to follow it so I know it is time to drink. I invested in a glass water bottle that has times listed on the side. It requires me to drink a certain amount of water by a certain time of time. I have found this bottle to work well. I hate drinking out of plastic, so having a glass bottle has really forced me to stay hydrated and drink more water throughout the day.
If you’re interested in a glass water bottle, here are some similar water bottles you can purchase off of Amazon.
If you do not want a new water bottle, but you want a reminder to drink, there are apps that will remind you to drink as well. No matter which option you choose, it’s great to stay hydrated and keep your body healthy going into the new year.
New Year’s Resolutions can be so hard to follow and so many people set unrealistic goals that they have no intention of keeping.
These simple resolutions can help make you a healthier version of yourself mentally and physically.
Do you have a New Year’s Resolution you set for yourself?
Comment below!
