Getting prepared for your first baby is so exciting! Everything is so new, and you have absolutely no clue what to expect.
You put together a baby registry filled with every baby item on the planet, and you try to plan out every detail.
While preparing for our daughter, our first baby, I had time to sit in the living room folding and enjoying every adorable onesie I received. I could put my feet up when they were sore and eat whenever I wanted to.
I had a big Baby Shower and received tons of gifts. I had mountains of diapers and wipes, tons of new books, and more baby clothes than I knew what to do with.
Then my husband and I decided to have a second baby and I was pregnant with our son.
The excitement of having a new baby is there, but it comes with a different level of stress. My husband carried the financial burden, but I carried the mom-guilt.
Will my daughter be jealous of the new baby?
How will I spend enough time with both children?
Do I have everything I need for another baby?
These are all normal and perfectly reasonable questions to ask yourself while expecting your second (or third or fourth or fifth) baby.
I have compiled a second baby checklist to get prepared for your newest addition.
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Things to Purchase:
1. New Breast Pump
If you are planning on breastfeeding, you may want to look into purchasing a new breast pump. I was able to get a free double breast pump with my insurance company with my daughter. Many people are not aware that most insurance companies allow you to get a new breast pump with every new childbirth.
My second breast pump I was able to get a hands-free pump, which was much easier to use than my first pump. Reach out to your insurance company to find out if you qualify for a new breast pump.
2. Pacifiers
If you like to give your children pacifiers, you will need to purchase new pacifiers. It is recommended to replace all used pacifiers every 3 months and to never reuse with another child.
3. Baby Bottle Nipples
Baby bottles can be reused and sanitized, but the nipples will get discolored and worn. You should purchase new bottle nipples, which can be purchased separately in stores or online.
4. Size Newborn and 1 Diapers
At the Baby Shower for my daughter, we received piles of diapers from our diaper raffle. We had a large supply of diapers in every size from Newborn up.
Since I did not have a Baby Shower for my son, I was not given piles of diapers. Make sure to stock up on Newborn and Size 1 diapers for after you arrive home from the hospital. I still found myself sending my husband to the store for more.
If you are going with a cloth diaper service or will be washing cloth diapers yourself, make sure to have a large supply of clean cloth diapers ready for when you arrive home from the hospital.
5. Wipes
Wipes fall under the same category as diapers. You go through so many wipes changing newborn diapers, so a few boxes of wipes are not overdoing it.
6. Crib, Wide Dresser, Tall Dresser, Conversion Kits
If your first child is still using their crib or it is converted into their toddler or double bed, you will need a crib. I prefer to purchase the full bedroom set, which includes the crib, toddler conversion kit, double conversion kit, wide dresser, and tall dresser. My children both have their own full bedroom sets, and they are set for years to come.
7. Bedroom Sets
You will need a bedroom set for your new child unless you plan on reusing your first child’s baby bedroom set. This could include, crib sheets, comforter (decoration until they’re older), curtains, mobile, lamp, signs, etc.
I enjoyed decorating my children’s rooms to make the rooms unique to them. At this point you would know what you would use with this child based on what you used with your first child.
8. Baby Monitor
My first baby monitor was a double monitor, but I never purchased the second camera. By the time I was pregnant with my son, my baby monitor was obsolete, and I was not able to purchase the second camera. This was for the best though because I was able to upgrade to a much better camera with awesome features.
My second baby monitor was the Vava Baby Monitor from Amazon. I spent weeks researching the best baby monitors on the market. I would highly recommend this monitor because of the many features it has, but my favorite is that it does not connect to Wi-Fi. Check out here to choose the best baby monitor for your family.
9. Double Stroller
Depending on the age gap between your children, you may not need a double stroller. My brother and sister-in-law thought ahead and picked out a double stroller when they were expecting their first baby. My husband and I did not think that far ahead.
If you do not already own a double stroller and you think you’ll need one, this is a must-have to purchase before baby arrives. There are so many on the market, but the style double stroller we went with is a Double Jogger Stroller. It allowed us to attach an infant carrier to one side while our older child sat in the other side. We switched to a full tray once our son was old enough to sit in the stroller. You can find Double Strollers Here on Amazon.
10. Present from First Born to Second Born and Second Born to First Born
One of the best things we did when we brought our son home from the hospital to meet our daughter was to have him give her a present. I purchased a necklace and bracelet set that said, “Big Sis” and wrapped it up with a few other items and had it waiting for our daughter next to our son when she walked in the door. I greeted her first with hugs with my husband and then we introduced her to our son.
We had our daughter pick out a teddy bear to give to her brother when she met him. She set it next to him and ran away, but it was a great moment. She loved that her baby brother brought her a gift and she felt so special picking something out for him. They both still cherish the gifts they gave to each other.
Check out my post about introducing your first child to your second child here Tips for Adjusting Your Older Children to the New Baby.

Things to Reuse:
1. Wash New Bottles
I already stated this above, but you will need to sterilize your baby bottles and replace any that are damaged.
2. Wash Baby Clothes
My first baby was a girl and my second was a boy, but I still had plenty of gender-neutral clothing to use for both children. Go through your old baby clothes and wash anything you would like your second child to wear. Even with your second baby, you may find family and friends buying you lots of new clothes or giving you their hand-me downs.
3. Wash Infant Car Seat
If your children are only a few years apart in age, you should be able to reuse your infant car seat. Most car seats have a lifespan of 7 years, but make sure to check your specific brand. The manufactured date will be printed on your car seat, and you can check with the manufacturer to see how many years your car seat is good for.
Since my children are only 3 years apart in age, our infant car seat was good to use. I was able to pull the fabric out to hand wash the entire car seat. I allowed it to air dry, reassembled it, and it was ready to be installed in my car.
4. Wash Bassinet Fabric
I purchased a bassinet, the Halo Bassinest from Amazon to be exact, to use for my children. The outside fabric is easy to hand wash and the mattress cover can be machine washed.
I had the entire bassinet washed and set up before baby arrived. This allowed us to get home from the hospital and go to bed without having to worry about a place for baby to sleep.
5. Sterilize Bottle Warmer
I breastfed both my children, so I had a bottle warmer to heat up my frozen breastmilk. I had the Kiinde Kozii Baby Bottle Warmer from Amazon. These bottle warmers can be used for bottles of milk or bags.
No matter what type of bottle warmer you use, or if you use a bottle warmer to warm a formula bottle, like the Baby Brezza Instant Baby Bottle Warmer from Amazon, make sure to sterilize the machine before your baby arrives.
Things to Do:
1. Register at Hospital
Most hospitals today want you to register online before you arrive at the hospital to give birth. Your OB-GYN will give you the information for the hospital they are affiliated with.
This will make it easier when you arrive, so you are not trying to sign in during contractions. You most likely preregistered during your first pregnancy, so don’t forget to do it again.
2. Take Maternity Pictures
I took maternity photos during both of my pregnancies. I love looking back at the pictures to see how different my baby belly looked.
My first maternity photo shoot was with just my husband in my photographer’s studio. My second maternity photo shoot was outside with my husband and my daughter. We have done all our photos since before our wedding with the same photographer. I love both sets of pictures because they show the different points in my life.
I highly recommend doing a maternity photo shoot with your second if possible!
3. Install Car Seats
Now that your infant car seat is dry, install it into the car. My husband installed the car seat base into our car and clicked the car seat into it so we wouldn’t forget to take it to the hospital.
We knew ahead of time we would take my car, so my husband installed it in my car. If you aren’t sure which car you’ll be taking, install the bases in both cars and keep the car seat with your hospital bags. If you have convertible cars seats, install them in both cars.
4. Pack Hospital Bags
Speaking of hospital bags, don’t forget to get those bags ready. Since you already did this once, you probably have a better idea of what you’ll need.
If you’re not quite sure what to bring, check out my post What Should You Pack In Your Hospital Bags?
When expecting your second baby, just remember you will adjust and so will your older child so quickly.
Don’t stress about if you’ll have time for both children and if you could possibly love two children enough.
The moment you have that new baby in your arms, you’ll realize your heart is big enough for both.
What did you have to help you get ready for baby number 2?
Comment below!
