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Should I Have a Gender Reveal Party?

Writer's picture: Chronicles of Mom LifeChronicles of Mom Life

Updated: Aug 11, 2022

The hot topic of Gender Reveals.

Some people love them, and some people hate them.

I had gender reveals with both of my children, but my big reveal was not some elaborate social media show.

The very first gender reveal, created by Jenna Karvunidis, was known to be a way for the expectant parents to celebrate that they made it to the anatomy scan without miscarrying.

I did not throw big elaborate gender reveal parties or blow up my yard with smoke bombs to show the sex of the baby.

My exciting moment was among close friends and family members who wanted to share the special moment with us.

While I do not judge those that do throw big elaborate parties (you do you mama), I just chose not to because of the time of year I found out my baby’s gender.

My son was born the day after my daughter’s 3rd birthday, so we opened the cute little sealed envelope from the ultrasound technician at the doctor’s office on Christmas morning both times.

It was just my husband and I when we opened our daughter’s envelope, and we included our daughter when we opened our son’s envelope. It was exciting both times to see the baby's sex on that piece of paper!

You may be asking the question, should you celebrate the gender identity of your unborn child?

I wanted to share some great ideas on why it's ok if you want to have a gender reveal.

Check out below to find some great gender reveal ideas and products to use for your very own gender reveal!

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Back in 2016 when I was pregnant for my daughter, we decided to throw a mini party that was separate from my baby shower with just immediate family to celebrate her arrival. We had some snacks, a small tabletop Christmas tree with red and blue lights and we turned off the blue lights once we announced she was a girl. We told the party guests not to bring gifts.

We had the party at our house the day after Christmas, which was convenient if we had a traveling family member because they were already in town.

My husband loves baseball, so we decided to order baseballs filled with chalk powder that he could hit with a baseball bat. Once hit, the powder inside the bat would reveal the gender in either pink or blue. We ordered the set of balls: a pink ball, a blue ball, and a test ball. We thought this was a unique gender reveal that was not dangerous.

The day of the great gender reveal, we grabbed the pink filled ball for our little girl and lead our family out into our backyard. Only my husband and I knew the gender already, so we would not show any emotions about what we were having. We were excited about becoming new parents but knowing ahead of time eliminated any gender disappointment.

I was planning on pitching the weird plastic ball to my husband while standing in the snow. It was the middle of winter and unfortunately it happened to be cold and windy that day. We didn’t plan it out very well, but it's still a great way to reveal the gender of your baby.

The best part was when I pitched the ball to my husband and a cloud of pink powder filled the air revealing the baby's gender.

We had the best time revealing our daughter’s gender to our family and friends and we were able to spend time celebrating the new arrival of our first child.

Fast forward to Christmas 2019 and we found out the gender of our son with our daughter on Christmas morning.

We knew it was an important thing to include our daughter in a fun memorable way, and we did not want to throw another party.

We had asked our immediate family to save some time on Christmas morning to FaceTime with us so we could tell them the biological sex of the baby once we opened the envelope.

My husband and I were looking for creative ideas to reveal the gender of the baby and decided to put together a baking soda volcano. If you have never made a baking soda volcano, they do not explode or damage anything. You simply mix baking soda and vinegar, and the chemical reaction causes the ingredients to bubble up.

We had to do the experiment slightly backwards so the blue color would not be revealed ahead of time. My husband came up with a good idea to put the vinegar with the food coloring in the bottom of the clear vase and sprinkle the baking soda in using a funnel to cause the reaction. It was not ideal, but it worked out fine.

Our daughter excitedly stood on a stool watching the experiment unfold and had much fun keeping the color secret the whole time.

We were able to reveal a blue volcano to our immediate family over FaceTime that Christmas morning without any problems.

What are Some Gender Reveal Ideas?

When someone is looking for an idea to reveal the sex of their baby, they typically want it to be a big reveal that is obvious about what is happening. The gender stereotypes say pink is for a little girl and blue is for a little boy, however you can pick any colors you want.

I thought I would share some popular products and ideas for a fun gender reveal you can use to celebrate the new life.

1. Cake

One of the most popular gender reveal ideas is to have the inside of a cake reveal pink or blue cake. Some even go as far as to decorate the top with blue and pink icing to hide the cake inside.

2. Large Box of Balloons

A very simple idea is to tie pink or blue balloons inside a large box. Once the box is opened, the balloons pop out of the box revealing the sex of your baby.

3. Baseball

The idea my husband and I had to reveal our daughter was one of my favorite ideas. Since my husband loves baseball, we thought it was fitting he pull out his bat and hit a baseball.

4. Baking Soda Volcano

Since children can make baking soda volcanoes at home, this is a nice simple way to not damage property or hurt anyone. It is so much fun to watch the color bubble up over the top to reveal the gender.

5. Silly String

I attended a very adorable gender reveal where the expecting parents wore white shirts and gave everyone cans of silly string. We counted down and sprayed the new mom and dad with the silly string which revealed the color pink. The pictures they took covered in silly string were adorable. It works best if you have a lot of people to cover you in silly string.

6. Balloons Filled with Paint

If you have the space, you can set up an outdoor wall with balloons filled with paint attached to it. The new parents throw darts at the balloons, which reveals blue paint or pink paint.

7. Golf Ball

Similar to the idea my husband and I had, you can hit a golf ball filled with powder to reveal the child's sex. I recommend doing these types of reveals outside because the powder is made of chalk and washes away with water.

8. Balloon Filled with Confetti or Powder

A cute idea is to fill a very large black balloon with pink or blue confetti or powder. The new parents pop the balloon with a needle to reveal the confetti or powder color to the guests.

9. Confetti Poppers

Just like the little poppers kids like to pop at parties, you can get some with pink or blue confetti inside. Reveal the gender yourselves or hand out poppers to everyone you're with to share the fun.

10. Football

The powder gender reveals are popular and are also very simple. If you have a football fan in your family, grab a powder filled football to kick. Once kicked, the ball will reveal pink or blue powder to everyone.

11. Basketball

If you have a basketball hoop in your yard, grab a powder filled basketball. The giant cloud of pink or blue powder will appear right after your slam dunk.

12. Games

If you just want to have fun, you can grab many different gender reveal games to play with your friends and family. Celebrating your first baby or your fifth can still be a fun even for the whole family.

I know gender reveals are getting a lot of hate the past couple of years, but I had great experiences with my gender reveal celebrations.

We were able to have our intimate moment finding out our child's gender on Christmas day and then found fun ways to share our joy with our family and friends.

I did not blow up my yard or release balloons into the air. The powder we had inside the baseball was chalk that washed away with water.

My gender reveals were not a reason to receive presents, but a fun way to get together with those we love to celebrate the new baby coming into our lives.

I do not have any regrets having a gender reveal and I would never judge anyone that decided to have one.

So, if you are considering having a gender reveal to celebrate your new baby, go for it mama! You deserve to celebrate that new child.

Just please, try not to blow up your yard!

Did you have a gender reveal party?

How did you real the gender before your baby's arrival?

Tell us about it in the comments!

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